June 2019 newsletter
May 2019 Newsletter
Are Faeries Real? What is Faerie energy?
Recently I was a guest speaker and did a podcast Metaphysical Q & A with Dr. Lauren Cielo and Crystal Heinemann regarding mediumship. One of the questions was regarding faeries. The questions asked was “I was told that I have a faerie energy around me. Are faeries real and if they are why are they in my energetic field?”
I love this question and want to take time to discuss Faeries. I’m not here to convince you whether they are real or not. Perception is reality to me. So one may ask are they real to me? Yes, they are real to me because I see them, or I feel them.
I would like to remind you that everything is energy. Now think of faerie energy. Think back when you were a child. Now think of a faerie. What do you think of? Faeries energy symbolizes magic, crystals, and Mother Nature just to name a few. It is fun. That is the energy that fairies have.
You can tell if a faerie is around you as you can feel the energy. You might be somebody who is very logical or someone who likes to do things on a regular basis or likes routines. Many times we as adults forget to have fun. We forget to find the magic in things as well as in everyday life.
When a faerie comes around, they are there to remind you to stop and smell the flowers instead of just look at the flowers. Take a minute and look for the magic in life. Everything is life can be perceived as a miracle or magic such as how the flower is grown from dirt and a seed to the pollination and expansion of the flowers.
It is a little different if you have a faerie spirit guide. All spirit guides work strongly with your own energy. Ask yourself, are you the type of person where a lot of fun is important and sometimes takes precedence over responsibilities? Is your personality “sparkly?” There is a good chance you have a faerie guide because that is the same energy.
If you can’t wrap your head around faeries being real, then think of it in a logical way. Think of it as energy and what you think of when you think of a faerie. If you catch yourself spontaneously feeling joyful, giggly and sparkly take a second and thank the faerie that is around you. Every being whether human or spiritual love to know you appreciate them. You might just find that you will start to get more of that energy in your life.
If you would like to watch the podcast with Metaphysical Q&A I have enclosed the link here:
Ed Carlton
AKA Psychic Medium Ed

On Sept 23 The most known prophecy is lining up in the stars
On Sep3 one of the most Astrological signs will take place. The constellation Virgo will be directly over the moon. Directly over Virgo will be the constellation Leo. As the night continues the planet Jupiter will appear to go through the constellation Virgo.
What prophecy is this? Revelation 12 “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. ” (12-1). “She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. ” (12-2). The woman is Virgo. The twelve stars on her head is Leo. She gives birth to the planet Jupiter.
No matter whether you believe in prophecies (or the Bible) the world will be forever changed after this. Let me explain how…
Let’s start with the most obvious scenario. This is the Bible and it talks about how the second coming of Jesus will take place. Some people think Jesus will be born again, some people think he will be activated (as in wake up), and others think the Christ Consciousness will become stronger within all of us. If any of these are true then we are seeing the beginning of dark times ahead of us but not to worry that we know what the outcome is and it is exciting to bare witness to it all. If Jesus is coming back he will need an army. An army of soldier but not the soldiers that we normally think. Soldiers of Love. Soldiers who can forgive others and no matter what share their Light to keep hope alive during the dark times until tribulations is over. This means it is time to face the things you have not wanted to face within yourself. It is time to be strong and do your inner work. It is time to face your own unhappiness and make changes. Be strong. There is no magic pill to make it easy. Because from the prophecy it will only get worse before it gets better so now is the time to face your own demons so you can be strong enough to handle what is coming up. And hold on to the good stuff, because you know how it is foretold. It has an incredible ending.
Now let’s take another scenario, The Bible may have been wrong or translated so many times that it is incorrect. How does this affect the world? Is it just another day? Maybe you didn’t really believe in the Bible anyway so you don’t think it would affect your world, right? I happen to disagree. Christianity is one of the largest religions in the world. A lot of Christians take the Bible literally. How do you think this will affect there attitude, or how they go through life? They may even loose hope or faith in the divine itself. There is a lot going on in the world right now that is negative and affecting people. It hurts to watch TV or view social media. The world is affected by all of us and our vibration. The world’s vibration will decrease. We have been doing so well to increase it and to go through our own personal shifts just to go back decades of abuse, neglect, hatred. We need to be strong in the Light and hold our vibration high. To do this, that means one thing….You guessed it, do your inner work.
No one said the path to enlightenment would be easy. I know sometimes you probably wish you could go back but think of everything you know, understand and feel. Do you really think you could be happy? We hold onto and idolize Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha, and many more because they have taken that path. It was not an easy path for them. You have heard their stories. Now you are living your story. For the first time there are more humans doing their inner work. Walking their own path to enlightenment. If you are reading this then you are a seeker and you are one of them. Honor that and keep pushing forward and let the Light guide you Home.
Be the Beacon of Light and Hope, because you just might be what someone needs to find their way back. I honor you and the work you are doing. Be the Light,
Psychic Medium Ed Carlton
The Year of the Blue Ray and Arch Angel Michael
Feb 2017
Friday was the Lunar eclipse. I had some insight that it was going to be the beginning of a lot of energy being “stirred up”. In fact, this year is going to be like that. We have all known it, maybe felt it and even started to see/feel it.
As a psychic, I listen to higher guidance as much as possible. I don’t want to speak for everyone but a lot of people have been getting the same messages. The world is changing in a huge way. I should write it HUGE. I get messages of apocalyptic proportion. Now, don’t freak out, continue to read. Spirit gives messages of symbology. It is important to know that and we must go in deeper to figure those messages out. A lot of people are getting messages of Revelations, End of World, World War III. That frightens them…at first but for some reason they are very calm about this. Why do you think this is? I will let you ponder and answer that later.
Everything is energy and energy never dies it just transforms into a new form of energy. You are not the same person you were five years ago. Essentially that person is dead, there is a new you. We can never go back just forward. We have been “blasted” with a lot of energy lately. This is wonderful. It is helping us grow, expand and evolve as beings of light. Get us back on our true path. It doesn’t feel good right now because there is a lot of purging going on. We don’t know how to handle all this energy. It is the purest for of energy and it is bring to light old patterns and beliefs that are not in the best nature. We are not meant to separate our self as societies or countries or even within our own community. We are meant to bind together. Our differences can be difficult but they are beautiful. How many times have you been stuck in a situation or problem and took a completely different perceptive or approach and the solution was right there. We are all pieces to the puzzle. Back to the subject, This energy is bringing up old belief systems that we were taught about ourselves and others that were not in the best nature and must come up so we can look at and realize that it must go away.
So Here is where I talk about The Blue Ray.
This is the year of the One. The first color of the Ray is the Blue. We will go with the obvious first. Blue Chakra is your throat chakra. It is the middle of Feb and have you noticed that there is a lot of anger, fear, anxiety, frustration out in the world? People are angry and yelling or short tempered. I am a passive person and I don’t normally react to situations, but I have even got caught up and hurt a friend by my words and actions. It is so easy to get caught up in all of the energy. There are no coincidences. It is not a coincidence that it is the year of the Blue Ray and blue also represents throat chakra. It is also not a coincidence that people are speaking before they are thinking and aggressively..and this goes all the way up to the higher powers. Remember it is easy to criticize about someone else’s negative actions or comments but are you doing the same thing? Do not engage. The true power and strength is to not let someone or something take away your inner peace. If we all focused on our inner peace we would not have war, arguments. We would not even need half of the government or laws because we would have created a society of mutual respect and love.
So, to answer the question I left you to ponder, are we in Revelation? A simple answer won’t do. My belief is we are going through Revelation. Is the world ending? No, but Earth is energy and with the world shifting into a higher vibration and creating what I call “The Great Awakening” people are wakening to see things in a different perspective. The “old”world is dying and the “new”world is emerging. People are calm about this because after the “dust” settles and the shift is over the way of living will be more natural and in line to what we are supposed to feel.
This year started a slow progression of this as the Blue Ray came into power. We felt a shift within ourselves and now it is starting to effect outward. The Lunar eclipse created a mass energy that will be the beginning of six month of massive purging for our society. Six month of what will look like and feel like hard time because the energy will be intense. How we act and how we respond is very important. Remember, everyone thinks they are doing what is best. Do not engage. Find your inner peace and hold tight. Change is always difficult. The outcome will be incredible. Society will be stronger and more in line to the Law of Love and Oneness.
Arch Angel Michael
A little bit of personal information about my history with Michael. If you know my history or have had a reading (or healing) from me you know I work a lot with angels. Most channelers, psychics, intuitives, mediums (whatever you would prefer to be called) have some they work with most. I work a lot with Metatron (I call him Enoch), Rafael, Jophiel, and Gabriel. I don’t work with Michael much. I remember growing up Roman Catholic. There were a lot of pictures and statues of Michael with his sword. Even as a child I thought that angels should not kill, why would he need the sword..that that was mean and angels weren’t mean. So, I never really “approached Michael. Now as an adult I know the sword was a sword of Light and it is symbolic. It can be used to cut energy cords, hold the light, honor the light, strength, etc. I still don’t call upon Michael much. I have a really good friend, channeler and artist who is very strong with Michael. He interprets the energy and embodies the strength of Michael. In fact, He gave me a reading years ago and gave me the strength and courage to become a professional psychic. Micheal represent courage, protection, strength and power. That is what this year represents as well…POWER. We have seen power misused many times. People don’t even like to think of themselves having power. The world leaders, countries, elite, media are starting and creating struggles over what? POWER. That is a misuse of power. We need to own our power. There is power in empowerment. change empowerment into enlightenment. know you have the strength to find peace. Michael will give you the power and strength. That is what he truly represents. Do not let the corruption of the struggle over misuse of power cause you not to want to find your own. I had to learn that about Michael. He was not running around with a sword fighting and battling. He helps with inner strength and power. The power to do good and help others is the best power.
Back to Throat Chakra
Speak with Love. Speak with kindness. The world is going through a shift. It is going through an awakening process. Some people will have a dramatic awakening, and some will have a simple process. If you have had the awakening process, then you chose on a Spiritual/Soul level to be a way-shower to help others through the process. It starts be listening and speaking. You remember what it was like, you remember the symptoms. Be aware and start talking to people or let them talk to you. Help people through the process.