Recently I was a guest speaker and did a podcast Metaphysical Q & A with Dr. Lauren Cielo and Crystal Heinemann regarding mediumship. One of the questions was regarding faeries. The questions asked was “I was told that I have a faerie energy around me. Are faeries real and if they are why are they in my energetic field?”
I love this question and want to take time to discuss Faeries. I’m not here to convince you whether they are real or not. Perception is reality to me. So one may ask are they real to me? Yes, they are real to me because I see them, or I feel them.
I would like to remind you that everything is energy. Now think of faerie energy. Think back when you were a child. Now think of a faerie. What do you think of? Faeries energy symbolizes magic, crystals, and Mother Nature just to name a few. It is fun. That is the energy that fairies have.
You can tell if a faerie is around you as you can feel the energy. You might be somebody who is very logical or someone who likes to do things on a regular basis or likes routines. Many times we as adults forget to have fun. We forget to find the magic in things as well as in everyday life.
When a faerie comes around, they are there to remind you to stop and smell the flowers instead of just look at the flowers. Take a minute and look for the magic in life. Everything is life can be perceived as a miracle or magic such as how the flower is grown from dirt and a seed to the pollination and expansion of the flowers.
It is a little different if you have a faerie spirit guide. All spirit guides work strongly with your own energy. Ask yourself, are you the type of person where a lot of fun is important and sometimes takes precedence over responsibilities? Is your personality “sparkly?” There is a good chance you have a faerie guide because that is the same energy.
If you can’t wrap your head around faeries being real, then think of it in a logical way. Think of it as energy and what you think of when you think of a faerie. If you catch yourself spontaneously feeling joyful, giggly and sparkly take a second and thank the faerie that is around you. Every being whether human or spiritual love to know you appreciate them. You might just find that you will start to get more of that energy in your life.
If you would like to watch the podcast with Metaphysical Q&A I have enclosed the link here:
Ed Carlton
AKA Psychic Medium Ed