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A message from Spirit can be difficult to understand. Let me help you.
I connect with Spirit, and past loved ones through Love, Light and Healing.
In the beginning of Ed’s life, it seemed very typical. Follow Ed through his self-discovered journey of growing up in a normal loving family with a secret he didn’t know he had until he was an adult. A secret that would soon take over the life he knew and loved. Ed grew up like most others not knowing what an Empath was. He didn’t understand how to control emotions regarding what others were feeling. What is an Empath and where do they evolve in this world? How do others know they are Empaths and how do they connect? Find out the true nature of being an Empath and medium. This book will help you understand your journey and help you to tap into your psychic being.
Let’s Connect
Don’t miss out! So much is always going on ♥ And that is a beautiful thing. I try and provide a variety for everyone. Make sure you sign up for my newsletter and you will get an update of events and messages from Spirit.♥

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The world has so much change going on right now. We have seen climate changes that have affected Mother Earth dramatically. I am not a scientist, but I am in tune with the vibration on earth energy. Let’s first talk about the feelings. Some people have felt the energy changes. The vibrations have changed, become inconsistent. We are rising to a different frequency. What that means really is you are feeling inconsistent as well. You may be feeling more tired, emotional, frustrated, just not your balanced self.
I will also email you with upcoming events that you may enjoy. So many wonderful and exciting things are happening. Don’t wait for your life to change to become an active member. Life is about learning and growing. Why not enjoy it while we do it.